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What is Hypnosis?
Scientifically speaking, the American Psychological Association describes hypnosis in this way: “ a therapeutic technique in which clinicians make suggestions to individuals who have undergone a procedure designed to relax them and focus their minds.
Although hypnosis has been controversial, most clinicians now agree it can be a powerful, effective therapeutic technique for a wide range of conditions, including pain, anxiety and mood disorders. Hypnosis can also help people change their habits, such as quitting smoking.”
Similar to a beautiful, guided meditation, the hypnotist will bring you to a safe and relaxed state where suggestions based on your needs and desires will be implemented.
Many people worry that they will lose their sense of control when hypnotized.  Be aware that this is a myth.  An individual is always in complete control of what suggestions are accepted and at any given time the conscious or subconscious is free and able to reject a suggestion that does not resonate with the individual’s personality.
Hypnosis is not a replacement for medical or mental health assessment or diagnosis.
What is Reiki?
Reiki is an energy modality that aids with stress reduction and relaxation and promotes healing and homeostasis in the body.  Homeostasis is the body’s ability to maintain the balance of a normal physiological state.
The well-trained Reiki Practitioner goes through a series of levels that allows the practitioner to grow in the understanding of Chi, the energy centers/meridians of the body and anatomy/physiology.
Becoming a Reiki Practitioner     also includes receiving energy attunements that are offered by a qualified Reiki Teacher.
Reiki is not a religion nor is it affiliated with any religion, though Reiki practitioners live and act in a way that promotes harmony with others.   Reiki is an Eastern philosophy modality and the word is Japanese.  Rei, which means universal and ki, which means life force.
In addition to stress reduction and relaxation, Reiki may be used for pain management, to aid in the healing process, and to enhance medical treatments. 
Reiki is not a replacement for medical treatment.
What is Tarot Psychology?
The Tarot deck contains archetypal symbols.  These archetypes relate to the work of Carl Jung.  In addition to archetypes Jung developed the concept of the collective unconscious.  Jung believed that symbols were the key to understanding human nature.  The symbols in the Tarot can be used to unlock the stories of our lives.
While the Tarot symbols and archetypes are a valuable tool for unlocking the self, the Tarot is also valuable in offering a bridge between the known and the unknown.  It is on that bridge that one may come into contact with the numinous and, therein, find and acknowledge synchronicity at work in our lives.   Working with the Tarot can help one recognize their highest potential. 
Readings are devised to offer you guidance and tools to carry with you when the road is murky.  In addition to the Tarot, I incorporate Runes and Chakra Stones into my readings.  An hour reading will give you a three-dimensional, comprehensive look at the situations that surround you, the way you are processing them, and possible approaches toward lessening or alleviating struggle.
All of my readings have been self-designed.  I do not offer the standard, stock ten card Celtic Cross, but rather contemporary readings that include a myriad of aspects including the Chakra system.  You may select from my standard Chakra Reading (my most comprehensive), a reading utilizing the planets entitled Convergence (less comprehensive), relationship readings, readings regarding specific questions or a reading designed specifically to respond to your personal needs.
While I highly recommend the hour reading for an all inclusive look into your aspects, I also offer half-hour readings which incorporate two forms of divination.